Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures
The safety of all our students is our highest priority at Sage Canyon School. Because of the high traffic that comes in and out of our school twice daily, we have designated procedures to accommodate and promote the smooth flow of traffic. We need all families to help and support the safety of all students and assist our school in being a good neighbor in our residential community.

Car Lane Procedures
- Drivers may not use a hand-held cell phone at any time while driving in or around the school parking lot.
- Drivers should remain in the car. If drivers plan to get out, cars must be parked in a marked stall or on the street. Do not park along the red curb in front of the school.
- Remain in one lane, single-file at the curb when unloading in the drop-off areas in front of the school, and pull forward as far as possible in the line. Please be respectful and follow the instructions of the staff assisting so that the traffic flows.
- Have your child’s backpack next to them so that they can exit the car quickly. Do not place materials in the trunk or wait to pull up to the front of the line if you need more time for your child to exit the car.
Before School: (7:45 a.m- 8:00 am.)
- Parents/Guardians are welcome to enter campus before school begins, but must exit the campus by 8:00 am.
- Breakfast for students will be provided in the morning starting at 7:30am. Supervision by school staff will be provided.
Afternoon Pick-up:
- Students will meet parents/guardians after school in the car drive-through loop or outside the designated gates.
- Parents should leave campus promptly after reuniting with their children.
- As many of our students and families walk to and from home, please be mindful of your speed, and drive safely in and around our neighborhood.
Bicycle, Scooters, Skateboards, and Zucas
- Independent bicycle & scooter riding is only allowed for 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students. Younger students should ride with their parents to and from school.
- Riders are required by state law to wear safety helmets.
- Bicycles, e-bikes, scooters, skateboards, and Zucas must be walked when on school grounds.
- Bicycles can be locked to the bike racks.
- Riding in a safe manner will ensure that privileges are not lost.
Upper Loop (school parking lot) Designated Route for Kindergarten-2nd Grade
- From Carmel Mountain Road, turn left onto Amberglades, right onto Harvest Run, right into the school parking lot.
- Please comply with all traffic laws including making a full stop at the stop sign and crosswalk on Amberglades and Harvest Run Drive.
- Utilize the adult valet volunteers by pulling all the way forward while in the drop-off line.
- Please be respectful and follow the instructions of the staff members assisting so that the traffic flows
- Children should exit the vehicle in the drop-off zone, curb side only.
- Please have all backpacks in the front seat or next to the child, rather than in the trunk.
Lower Loop Designated Route for Third-Sixth Grades
- From Carmel Mountain Road, turn left onto Harvest Run Dr., left into the lower drop-off loop.
- Utilize the adult valet volunteers by pulling all the way forward while in the drop-off line.
- Please be respectful and follow the instructions of the staff members assisting so that the traffic flows
- Children should exit the vehicle in the drop-off zone, curb side only.
- Please have all backpacks in the front seat or next to the child, rather than in the trunk.
- Exit by turning right onto Harvest Run Dr.