Attendance Information
Because of the way we teach in today’s classroom, it is difficult to replicate the teaching and learning that your child misses when they are absent from school. In an effort for your child to make consistent progress, it is essential your child come to school and be on time to achieve higher learning goals.
Students should arrive at school between 7:45-8:00 a.m. Please plan to arrive on campus no later than 7:50 a.m. This sets your child up for success to directly walk to their classroom and be ready to start their day promptly at 8:00 a.m. If your child arrives after 8:00 a.m., he/she is required to check in at the office and receive a tardy slip to be given to the teacher. After checking in at the office, your child will be expected to enter the classroom quickly and quietly to join the learning that is already taking place. Your child may be expected to make up any missed learning.
If your child is absent from school, report the absence through our website under Quick Links and click on Report an Absence. Record your child’s name, teacher’s name, your relationship to the child, and reason for the absence. This is one of the ways we can ensure that your child is safe. Please note - reporting an absence does not make it an excused absence.
Please try to schedule appointments for your child, outside of the school day. If a student needs to leave the school campus for an appointment, please try to schedule appointments for as late in the day as possible.
To pick up a student during school hours, an adult must come into the office, bring ID, and sign them out. We can only release students to adults listed on the Student Emergency Card who have a valid ID with them.
Student Illness
Each parent/guardian agrees to screen their child(ren) for illness before bringing them to school each day. Specifically, each parent/guardian agrees to do all of the following:
- Parent/Guardian shall screen child(ren) for any of the following symptoms: cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, or a new rash. Parent/Guardian agrees that if child(ren) presents with any of these symptoms, Parent/Guardian will not send child(ren) to school.
- Parent/Guardian agrees that if child(ren) has a fever of more than 100 degrees, Parent/Guardian will not send child(ren) to school. Parent/Guardian further understands and agrees that their child(ren) will not be sent to school if child(ren) has been administered medication for the purpose of reducing a fever within the last 24 hours.
- Parent/Guardian also agrees that if child(ren) has vomited in the last 24 hours, Parent/Guardian will not send child(ren) to school. Child may return to school 24 hours after the last instance of vomiting.
All students will be monitored throughout the day for signs or symptoms of illness. Any student exhibiting symptoms of illness throughout the day will be sent home.
Vacation/Travel Absences
The Del Mar Union School District recognizes regular school attendance plays a key role in student achievement. Any child enrolled in kindergarten or above is subject to compulsory full-time education. Although exemptions to compulsory attendance may be granted in rare circumstances, as allowed by law, it is the responsibility of the District to ensure that students attend school regularly.
In this effort, the District affirms compliance with compulsory attendance laws by providing this information on accountability practices for student attendance. All schools within the Del Mar Union School District will participate in consistent monitoring of student attendance. The student information system has been programmed to generate attendance letters for individual students at prescribed intervals.
After three (3) unexcused days of absence, unresolved absences, or unexcused tardies of more than 30 minutes, a letter will be posted to the child’s record in ParentVUE to make families aware of the attendance problem. After five(5) unexcused days of absences, unresolved absences, or unexcused tardies of more than 30 minutes, a second letter will be posted to the child’s record in ParentVUE asking parents to attend a School Attendance Review Team (SART) meeting at the school. After seven(7) unexcused absences, unresolved absences, or unexcused tardies of more than 30 minutes, a third letter will be posted to the child’s record in ParentVUE informing parents that the student will be referred to the District Attorney’s office.
It is important to note that, according to Board Policy 5113, absences due to travel and/or vacation are unexcused unless a short-term independent study contract is in place. Absences due to travel and/or vacation have potential to negatively impact your student’s attendance record, and could result in your child being identified as truant. While vacations are always unexcused, justifiable personal reasons that necessitate travel should be discussed with the school Principal in order for an appropriate determination to be made.
Short term independent study is available to students who will be out of school for travel for between five and twenty school days. Parents/guardians of students who are interested in independent study should contact the Principal at least five days before the first absence due to travel. All student work related to an independent study contract should be turned in on the day the student returns to school. If the Independent Study assignments are not completed, the absences will be unexcused.
If an independent study contract is not in place, it is the Del Mar Union School Board policy that missed schoolwork and homework will not be provided before an unexcused absence. Upon returning from vacation, the student has a predetermined amount of time to complete the missed work. For example, if a student is absent for 3 days, the student has 3 days to complete and return that work.