Principal's Message

Dear Sage Canyon Families,
Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year! The Sage Canyon staff is dedicated to providing meaningful learning experiences that inspire and empower our students to pursue their talents and passions. We strive to ignite the genius in each student, be it in the arts, science, writing, math, or in collaborating, problem-solving, or listening with empathy.
Each student’s well being and growth is at the forefront of everything we do. We challenge our students academically through rigorous instruction and rich learning experiences. These experiences happen in and out of the classroom as well as through our robust STEAM+ program. To help students develop their interpersonal and “soft” skills, we engage students with Second Step, a social-emotional learning curriculum. This allows students to hone their skills such as emotion management, productive problem-solving, and collaboration.
We want every student and family to feel connected to our school and to the people in our school community. Your engagement with your students’ learning and with our school is an invaluable part in enabling your students to reach their highest potential. We are grateful to work in partnership with you and look forward to an incredible school year!
Go Coyotes!
Mrs. Maria Parker, Principal